Emma’s Holiday Wishlist

2019, Holidays

One more month ladies & gentleman! If you’re anything like me when it comes down to the holidays, and your parents, family members and friends ask what’s on your list this year… because let’s be honest, we’re the pickiest ones in the group even though we won’t admit it.

I wanted share what I’m asking for Christmas this year. This is my entire list plus some so If you’re one of my family members snooping for my list… ask my mom! She’s got it. 😉

I asked on Instagram what you guys wanted to see in this blog post and the majority vote was for clothing pieces. I decided to make it a “Wearables” section to include everything you could ever want to wear this holiday season. I’ll go through a wearables, home and beauty section below.


Ugg Neumel Shoes | Ugg Fluff Yeah Slippers | Gucci Love Ring | Gucci Skull Ring | Hexagon Raybans | Little Words Project Bracelet: I Love You, Black Inspire, Boss Babe | Criss Cross Jeans | Ripped Jeans

Now, since I’ll be living in an apartment next year my mom kindly reminded me I should be asking for more adult gifts (sad, but kinda fun) So to spice up my at home list I have a mix between candles, juicers, Disney+ & more!


White Jewelry Organizer | Disposable Camera | Juicer | Disney+ | Milk Frother | Candle | Ring Light

This was another highly requested topic; my makeup and skin products. I don’t have too many on my list. Just a few staples that I don’t think anyone should live without.


Buxom Hot Toddy | Buxom Dolly | Mario Badescu Drying Lotion | Summer Friday Mask Trio | Laneige Lip Glow Balm

Hope this list helps with some inspiration for your holiday wishlist. Let me know what you guys have on your lists already. I’d love to know!

Also be sure to follow me on instagram HERE. Comment on one of my posts that you came from my blog and I’ll follow you back!

XO Emma

What’s Up Skin How You Glowin?


Hi guys.

Hope you’ve all been well! Can’t believe it’s November already. 2019 who? Yeah seems like it. 

Today I wanted to hop on here and talk about skin. My skin has never been bad. I definitely can’t admit I’ve had horrendous acne but I still get annoying bumps and red spots here and there especially in my three problem areas. I’ve also never LOVED my skin. I’ve LOVED Facetune! But not my skin. I’m sure a lot of you can relate to this. It’s scary to put up a picture where we don’t look perfect. Is that sad? Yes. Is it true? 100%.

Here are some things I’ve been doing every day to make myself more confident in my skin. Why should you believe me? Here’s a picture of my face…. no edit, no Facetune, no removing red spots or smoothing… just my face as it is right now in my bedroom. Enjoy!

To start, let’s just say I literally suck at drinking water. If there was a dehydration contest I’m here to tell you I WOULD DOMINATE. I don’t mean to not drink water. I just forget, don’t own a reusable water bottle while in college (rookie mistake), and don’t particularly enjoy drinking water, until it’s too late. I found ways to work around this by drinking tea. A glass in the morning, at night, while I study, during work, etc. See I don’t like water really, but I can get behind a warm cup of Pukka Cleanse.

Next, finding a brand that I trust, that dermatologists trust, no odor and no coloring. If there’s one thing I hate it’s scented products. Unless I’m buying perfume… WHY do you need to add a scent? I don’t need my legs smelling like overbearing flowers when I use lotion. Now there’s a whole long list of products and lines I could talk about from face lotions to serums, oils, CBD, depuffers, etc but I wanna focus on specifically acne cream. It may seem like a small section of each nights grand face routine but it’s mighty. 

Let me introduce….*drum roll please*….Acne Free Adapalene Gel! I have uber sensitive skin yet when I get a new skincare product I’ll throw it on my face faster than I pack up my bag 10 minutes before class gets out. Per usual, I did this when I received Acne Free. 

I used a teeny amount as the directions said.

Applied a thin layer to my forehead, sides of my nose and chin.

Here’s a little story. I noticed a pimple coming in by my nose. You know when you can’t see it but you feel the pressure and know a bad boys about to pop up the next day. Well that’s how my night was going. I put the Adapalene Gel to the test. I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel, if it would work, etc. All I know is the next morning that little bump, that pressure feeling, that incoming pimple had disappeared and that’s a fact. Since then whenever I feel anytime remotely close to a pimple coming up on my face all I’ll use is this gel. Just to keep us all on the same page, it does say this product typically takes some time to start seeing results sometimes it can take up to 3 months. It’s different for everyone.

Now that you’ve seen pictures of my naked face.. scary.. and understand just how little of this product you need to use for the effects, I’ll leave you with this; I can’t tell you this will work for everyone, but I can tell you if you don’t try you’ll never know. And trust me… I’m glad I know. My face journey isn’t over. I don’t wake up dewy and glowy like somehow every non-makeup wearing California girl is, but I’m a step closer & I thank Acne Free for a face that’s #CleanAF Shop by clicking this link Amazon link.

Let me know if you guys end up trying Acne Free. I’d love to see your results! XO


**I was gifted Acne Free but everything I’ve written for you guys and all the photographs are real life and true. I’ve honestly had a great experience with this gel and I’m as excited and surprised as you guys that I found something so awesome.